This is a kit for converting your 3D printed Hummer or Humvee by AN3DRC into a shortened version. With this set you can shorten your model by 69mm.

In order to complete the conversion, you must have a full sized body and chassis. The kit contains all the necessary parts for converting the Chassis, the body of the civilian Hummer and the military Humvee.

If you do not have a full size body, but you want to build a short civilian Hummer or a military Humvee, then send me a request and I will publish the short body kit you need. A short body will cost less than a full-size body. Also in the future you will be able to purchase a kit for converting a short body into a full-size one.

All possible configurations of a cropped Hummer or Humvee that you can build with this set, see the pictures!

Modified parts in a set
For Chassis:
- The central part of the frame
- Rear drive shaft (for 3D printed transmission)
- Exhaust pipe (for 3D printed transmission)
- Exhaust pipe (for metal transmission)

For Hummer civil body:
- Central tunnel (2 versions)
- Center tunnel cap
- Basic hind quarters
- Front part of the roof
- Upper longitudinal connectors
- Rear side stand
- Central stand with side panel (3 versions)
- Body floor bracket

For Humvee military body:
- Central tunnel
- Center tunnel cap
- Basic hind quarters
- Left and right roof detail
- Upper longitudinal connectors
- Rear side stand
- Central stand with side panel (3 versions)
- Body floor bracket

I have a Facebook group, if you have any questions you can ask them there

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